Introducing a revolutionary new way to create beautiful custom Celtic Knotwork on your computer!

How The

That's right, it's a font!

My name is Daniel Isdell. I created the Celtic Knot Font. I've been studying Celtic Knots for several years. I love the simple elegance of the rules for their construction and the massive complexity that can result from those rules. This font was over two years in development. I studied every way that knots could be broken down into their components for maximum flexibility. I'm quite proud of this font and what it can do. I hope that you have as much fun with it as I do. I must acknowledge George Bain and his son Iain Bain for their extensive research and writings on the subject of Celtic knotwork, and most of all, those ancient Celts, monks, scribes, and artisans who developed this art form. Check back regularly because I will be making a lot of changes as this gets started. You can email your designs to me directly. Your comments are always welcome! Send them to me at:

Daniel Isdell, Knotworker

How it works:

I have studied hundreds of Celtic Knots and dozens of tutorials on how to make them. I have taken these knots and and the techniques to make them and have distilled them down into a set of standard elements. I took those elements and converted them into a font.

Why a font?

The reason is simple. Most people do not have the expensive drawing programs necessary to create these knots. Ready-made clip-art is fine if you want a limited number of designs that are already used by hundreds of other people, but if you want to create knots of your own design you have to learn to use a drawing program and spend many hours working with it just to create the most basic designs. I have done the hard part for you. All you have to do is put the pieces together! Every piece is drawn to an accuracy of better than 0.00001 inches. That means that each piece will line up perfectly with the next piece. There are only 3 styles of edges on all of the pieces. If you can just match one side with the next you can create thousands of different knots.

Basic knots:

All of the basic pieces which you need to create a Celtic knot are located conveniently in one corner of you computer keyboard:

I have arranged the parts so that they are easy to find and easy to remember. See how this block of 9 keys makes a square (well, OK, it 's really a parallelogram, but I'm trying to keep this simple). The corners of this square make the corners of a knot. The sides make the sides of knots and the middle guessed it, the middle of a knot.

If you type each row of three keys followed by the Enter key, the Celtic Knot Font will make this pattern:

As you can see, it makes a nice square Celtic knot. Let's get a little more fancy. If we type more of the letters that make the top edge, the middle section and the bottom edge we can extend the knot like this:

See how the "a" key makes the left side and the "d" key makes the right side? Watch this:

Using these two keys will make a vertical break in the weave. This is the basis of all Celtic Knotwork. Make a grid and introduce breaks into the grid to create a decorative pattern. Likewise we can use the "w" key and the "x" key to make horizontal breaks. Like this:

These examples were made using just 9 of the pieces available in the Celtic Knot Font. There over 190 different pieces available in the full font!

You can see how you can assemble these pieces to make thousands of different Celtic Knots.

Be sure to check out our new tutorial:

How to Draw Celtic Knotwork

A Side-By-Side Comparison of Two Methods

Take a look at the Gallery to see some more complex examples of what you can do with this font!

Click here to order!
(With online ordering you could be playing with it in minutes!)

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7610 Elphick Rd.
Sebastopol, CA 954722

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This page and all content Copyright © 2001-2024 by Daniel L. Isdell